"The tailor of emotions" the movie by Emiliano Bengasi beats the films scheduled at the cinema. The public present in the room to see the national premiere of the short film has far exceeded even the most famous American films such as the Oscar candidate "Molly's Game", "Gost Stories" and "Escobar". Sold Out, the 220-seat hall planned to host the event and the public on special occasions to welcome the stylist Emiliano Bengasi, the actress Alice Bellagamba and the director Daniele Donati.

The evening was presented by Mery Pieragostini of Radio Fermo Uno and saw the screening of the fashion show that last 7th April had impressed international buyers during the Milan Bridal Week. Following the expected projection of the short movie "The tailor" the thrilling story of how a tailor can transform the tears of joy of a woman in crystals in order to realize the dress of her dreams. "Love - said Emiliano Bengasi during the interview - is like a cotton thread, so thin as ever resistant. It manages to hold together two souls like the parts that make up a dress, for years, maybe even eternity centuries ".

Alice Bellagamba: "It was a pleasure to work with Emiliano, and it was great that he chose to make me play a dancer, dance on the other hand I think it is an art in which the woman expresses her femininity and perhaps, not surprisingly, Emiliano wanted to convey this message because his work is precisely to enhance the femininity of a woman. For the future there are many projects, my short film "Last Chance" in which Emiliano is co-starred in the final at the International Festival of Formia, plus I founded a dance company "Balletto delle Marche" and soon there will be the first shows designed by me ".

Daniele Donati, the director, who recently won the award as best video maker of the year, said: "It was challenging to shoot the short film in a short time and also to use small special effects to make some scenes, but the staff was in tune and everything went well, I think the result is nice to see each other ".

The event was an opportunity to present a small preview of the 2019 collection that will be proposed in its entirety on Sunday 18 November at Villa Bonaparte on the occasion of the traditional Fashion Show by Emiliano Bengasi.

The evening ended with the cutting of the cake prepared by the Carlo Urbani institute in Porto Sant'Elpidio.

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